DAC That Punches Above Its Price Point

I’ll make it short. I’ve spent some hours reading the DAC threads on this forum. I am aware quality of digital matters as superior DACs usually the costlier ones will sound better than cheap DACs, making music sound more analog, lifelike, real, believable with all the soundstage and detail etc. All the good things. There are some who thought it’s the music that matters, and although different DACs may sound different it’s the music that makes the most difference. In other words, the differences that exist between DACs are not that important as it's all about the music. I can see the point that people are trying to make.

Back to the topic. I’ve read great things on the Denafrips Ares II and Pontus II, and other costlier high-end DACs. I’ve read about the Chord DAVE. I personally own a Chord QBD76 and have no urge to replace it with anything else since it sounds splendid in my system, for the money. I may be setting up another system and was wondering if there is a DAC in the lower price bracket that punches way above its price point, sounding close to if not better than the costlier designs.

I presume the Audioquest Black, Red or Cobalt are not worthy of consideration and sound noticeably inferior to the costlier options? FWIW I tried the Musical Fidelity M1 DAC and this one really sounded poor to my ears. Very digital sound and I stopped listening to it after a while. The Chord sounds a lot more analog, lifelike and real to my ears.

I would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

Another that is rather cheap, but very good, is the Beresford SEG.

I have two, both with mods.
Stan ( the designer) offers these.

BRYSTON …. top end build quality and top end audio performance. They have a built-in LPS as standard …a big step up in itself .
@jerrybj.... interesting post.  I am using a modded older Beresford that is around 10-15 years old.  No USB, but I haven't needed one so far.  Planning to upgrade server, so will likely need USB.  This old DAC sounds really good.  The modder, a local guy I know, sold it for $1000, but I paid half that used.  But it tops out at 96/24.

Also, how come no love for Schitt DACs on this thread?  Thinking seriously about a Gumby.
My Denafrips Ares 2 DAC  makes my system sound like I'm there...right on stage . CD's I never play are sounding totally "alive"...My Topping doesn't do that. It also has a "phase" button that really opens the soundstage. My speakers literally disappear. For $800 you can't touch it with anything else in that price range.....If your budget let's you go to $1600....get the Pontus, but if you go to you tube and hear the Denafrips DACs compared....The Ares 2 holds it's own very nicely. One of those rare Steals in Hi Fi....speaking of punching WAY above it's cost. Happy Listening....