DAC to add warmth and fullness to Linn Ikemi

Hi All,

This has been asked before, but perhaps I can get suggestions that include more recent DAC models?

The Ikemi can be absolutely superb, but I'm just curious that I might be missing out on a bit of warmth and fullness. I reckon that the Ikemi would serve as a top rate transport!

I have no experience with external DACs, so I'm wondering what I should expect the current models available up to about £1000 (I'm in the UK).

Linn Ikemi
Music First Pre (Copper)
Bel Canto S300
Lumley Lampros 100

Cardas Golden Hexlink 5C (XLR) CD - Pre
Chord Anthem (XLR) Pre - Power
Nordost Blue Heaven speaker cables

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

I agree with Ckoffend on the CAL Audio Alpha, not the latest, but very sweet, smooth and inexpensive.
Another unit, which also is quite dated, but IMHO sounds better at it's used price than any newer DAC at the same price range would be the Classe DAC-1. This was a $4K unit on it's release in 1997, but can now be had used for around $1K USD. I can't think of any $1K DAC that can beat it sonically.
