DAC to match $2-3K CD player

Listened to the Rolling Stones' Beggars Banquet last night--first streaming Apple Lossless files via Squeezebox Duet, then on my Naim CD5x. Of course, with the bare Squeezebox and no external DAC, there was no comparison. What I'm wondering is how far up the DAC food chain would you need to start looking to match the sound quality of a $2-3K dedicated player? (I tried a Musical Fidelity V-DAC in my office and was unimpressed, so I'm not looking for a giant killer.) I'm not going all digital any time soon, so my question is really out of curiosity and to start a conversation if anyone else is interested.
The modest exposure I've had to the Ayre QB-9 has been impressive, and the reviews are good. I think it's about a $3k idea.

Full disclosure: I don't have that piece, but have other Ayre gear that I enjoy.
The CD5x is a great CDP IMO. The new Naim DAC runs circles around it, for about the same price. If you like what your CD5x is doing, and Naim in general, check out the Naim DAC. You won't be sorry.

I hate it when people compare the entry level DACs to $3k CDPs. Let's be serious. The DACmagic, V-DAC, and PS DLII are very good DACs. But they're no where near a Naim CD5x. Not even close. I'd say the $1k DACs start to compete with the better $3k CDPs. They're different, no a better/worse thing IMO. Keep in mind there are some great DACs for the money, and some not so great. Same for any component.

If you can swing $3k, the Naim DAC is where its at IMO. The Bryston BDA-1 at about $2k does some things better than the CD5x too. A bit different, but I could easily live with either.
Just to add...

Work on the British street is Rega is getting ready to release a DAC that's at least on par with the Saturn, and may better it. Estimated at 500 GBP, or $1k. As to when it'll be available is anyone's guess.

The Arcam rDAC at $479 reportedly is on par with the CD37. That should be out soon too.
Thanks, Kbarkamian, your suggestions are really helpful. In my very limited experience, I think you're absolutely right about budget DACs. I'm very happy with the CD5x now, but W4S (sooner) and Naim (later) sound like strong contenders. Interesting that no one mentioned the Benchmark DAC-1.