DAC upgrade from RME

A couple weeks back I inquired as to a preamp upgrade, most likely tube, and received much appreciated advice. I now wonder if the upgrade bug should begin with the RME, although in many circle it receives very high marks. When listening to jazz trios/quartets I notice sharp piano strikes can become quite strident. I’m looking into NOS, R2R dacs with good USB capability. Mojo, entry, medium Lampi’s, Gordon Rankin Wavelength, Border Patrol SEi are a few where I have interest. Not so much the Chinese made R2R ladder dacs.


Thanks - I’d prefer a higher end unit which would mean used. I forgot to mention Audio Mirror in my search. Tubadour 3 preferably 4. I can’t see spending more than $3K, three and a half max max. I’ve seen two Mojo’s that fall there. 

I agree the RME is doing you no favors in terms of stridency, and although the move to R2R is a logical one I’d beware of going too far into the warm/lush range given where you’re coming from, and Mojo and Border Patrol would be a big sonic shift in that direction from where you are now. Frankly, and although you’re looking to avoid ChiFi, I’d still recommend doing a trial of the new LAiV Harmony DAC as it gives you the benefits of R2R yet still provides a good dose of transparency/detail you’re used to with your RME DAC. Hey, it’s just a trial so you don’t have to necessarily get married, but if it blows you away it might be worth expanding your search parameters a bit. Other DACs from T+A and Rockna would be worth a look as would maybe the Schiit Yggdrasil, and although it’s not R2R this Bricasti M3 would no doubt be a huge upgrade across the board…


Just some thoughts FWIW, and best of luck.