Kublakhan WELCoMe Back . Where have you been? I am glad to see you back. So many changes happen since you left.
DAC vs CD Player for cd playback with computer audio - Help old timer out
Getting back into the game after along time away. So much has changed!
I think I want to stick with Audio Research for a number of reasons, nostalgic and otherwise.
I want to play CDs and also to play files from my computer. Streaming would be nice. How would that work out with the following setups?
1. If I have a CD player is it POSSIBLE that I could use the DAC in THAT CD Player to play my computer audio? For example an Audio Research CD 8 from 2008.
2. Can I use a CD transport (like the Audio Research CD2 from 2002) with an Audio Research DAC 8 (from 2012) AND run computer audio into that DAC?
Which option makes more sense for CDs and Computer audio? How about CDs, computer audio AND streaming?
I have a headache just writing all of this out.
Thanks in advance!