DAC with the best midrange ever.....

Please keep this topic straight to the question and try not to go off tangent. I am very specific with this need.
Most musical and melodic dac, I DONT LIKE the new benchmark dac even with all the rave out there that much but I liked the Musical Fidelity A324 dac.
The Audio Aero Capitol was nice but I prefered the SONY SCD1 even though its much older. I am a huge analog fan...
This should give you an idea as to what I am actually trying to find if you have had any of the mentioned units.

Showing 2 responses by rtn1

My philosophy is to seek a high quality, high resolving DAC. Then, work with the signal downstream to fine tune to your system. I have a great midrange and lower-end with the addition of Elrod power cords, gold fuses, Jade Audio Hybrid Gold cables, and a BAT preamp. The gold cables are particularly notable for a full and natural midrange without any loss of detail.

Also, you may wish to consider that the Krell may be a limiting step for your midrange. So, you should consider a system approach rather than trying to achieve all your goals at the source.
You have had 11 CD players, and have listened to yet more. And you are looking for a DAC that is 'musical'. You'll need to help us a little here.

Maybe you need to be more specific about what you are looking for, what music you like, and what you appreciate most when you listen to music. Also, what have you auditioned, and what do you like and don't like about them.

You got a serious case of DACitis.