I appreciate the fact that at least you measured the 1694A and have data results handy. No doubt the results would be less than exactly perfect. I’ve also read - here on Agon - that the length itself (of any cable) can be critical in minimizing jitter. I’ve also read - here on Agon - to ignore measurements completely and simply rely on your own ears.
You know as well as I do that this "hobby" is an endless pursuit of perfection, and after a certain point - when one already has a good sounding system with quality components - diminishing returns sets in rather quickly. In my opinion, and from my own pragmatic approach, right or wrong, changing cables produces only infinitesimally small changes. I believe changing cables (power, interconnects, whatever else) simply produces a difference and not a "better or worse" scenario (irrespective of measurement data).
I use this cable to feed my Schiit Yggdrasil DAC. I am relying upon Belden’s and Schiit’s "claims" (published marketing BS as well as third party independent lab testing which in the case of Belden is ASTM D-4566) in addition to my own listening and derived enjoyment to arrive at the conclusions that (a) I’m not sacrificing any enjoyment by not having a better cable (or better anything for that matter) and (b) if I’m wrong and simply haven’t experienced the better enjoyment yet to realize I’m actually missing it then "Oh well, so be it".
And for what’s worth - and given the thread title - IMO the Bass from Yggy is phenomenal. And I've read quite a few posts from owners/others who report the same (in comparison to other DACs).