
All, there is some info here on some of Daedalus' larger models. Anybody have the DA-RMa monitor? I'm wondering if anyone has experience and any feedback on these.
There is a review of the Ulysses in latest issue of Bound for Sound. It is a nice but nor particularly glowing review.
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I agree, Tvad. I am a big fan of Martin DeWulf for his forthrightness, integrity and humility. He gives you the positives and negatives of each product and compares them to like products he has auditioned. He spoke well of the Ulysses but did not make me want to run out and audition them.

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I don't read BFS anymore as I lost interest when I found out Marty uses Lowes AC cable for speaker cables. However, I do own a pair of Ulysses speakers and it would be a loss for you or anyone else interested in them to not run out and listen to them. They are the best I've owned and the best I have heard and I've owned re-built dbl. stacked Quad 57's, B&W 802's, Beauhorn's, 3A De Capo's, Legacy Focus and unfortunately for my pocketbook, too many others to remember right now.

Lou's speakers, including the smaller DA-RMa model, which I heard at RMAF, are great, dynamically natural sounding loudspeakers that can be driven by SET's or high power SS.

They also have a timless beauty, which I do not tire of.

Good luck.
