Dali Helicon 400 or Acoustic Zen Adagio?

Has anyone heard both the Dali Helicon 400 and the Acoustic Zen Adagio. Both are the same price, and from what I can tell, are slightly on the warm side. How to choose?
I have experience with owning the 400's, purchased 800's and now am going back to a another pair of 400's. I only know the 400's, but remember there 4 ohm speakers, making them effcient relative to amp wattage. I played them through a Plinius SA100 MK111 100 watt per channel amp (rated for 8 ohm's) and the bass extension was amazing! Very nice detail, excellent sound stage, depth, openess. I'd take the Dali's in hearbeat, besides I see a lot of the Adagio's used on the Audiogon. In terms of price, its probably easier to buy a used pair then the Dali's, you should really audition both.

I own the Helicon 400s but have not heard the AZAs. I am running them with a Dared 845 tube based SET at 22wpc. I never go over 12:00 on the volume and I am floored by the dynamics and how easy these speakers are to drive. I can achieve very loud volume levels and there is no evidence of amplifier stress in the music. It is clear and very detailed throughout the musical range. I had reservations trying this combo but I am now sold many times over. It must be the relatively flat impedance that makes it amplifier freindly. In addition the Helicons WAF speaks for itself. My wife actually said " they areto nice to keep in the loft".
I bought the Adagio's after listening to many, many top notch speakers. I considered the Dali but was actually sampling and considering the next top of the line Dali and felt the AZ Adagio clearly beat it out on stage, clarity, and diversity. The dali did not seem to play all music well as tunes with more bass seemed to vibrate thru the room instead of producing a natural blended sound. I love the Acoustic Zens and can't say enough good things about them!
Get Adagios guy I just got them new and put few hours on them they sound great with BAT VK-300x integrated.
The DALIs are very amp sensitive. The bass can sound very woolly without a good bit of power and damping to handle the woofers. I heard them with 4 amps and each sounded very different.
