Sounds like you have a wonderful set up and great speakers. I havent heard the Baby Grands myself.
I listened tonight to some of my test classical tracks eg Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet and Schubert's 9th, and specifically listened to the deep base harmonics/tonality, and I am still impressed. Must be my set up and room etc. The speakers I listened to before buying the Helicons included Thiel, Revel, Triangle, Dynaudio, Focal, B&W, Elac, Sonus Faber...that i can remember. I also listened to some extreme high end speakers. It took me ages. It is so hard to find what works well for your taste, your equipment, your room, and last (and definitely least), your budget. I am extremely fussy.
Sounds like you are too :-) so if yours are doing it for you already, why change? You are winning! I rare thing in this game in my books.