Dan D'agostino classic stereo amp + Dartzeel NHB-18NS

Hi everyone, would that combo give very good results ?
Any experience would be appreciated.

D’agostino Classic Stereo power amp
That amp would be great to drive the OP's Thiel 3.7 evil load with, should sound great.

Cheers George
Thanks George for your input, that's very hepful.
I'm pretty optimistic about the combination of these 2 components.
The NHB should bring a little bit of tube like warmth to the speed, transparency and slam of the D'agostino classic amp.
Thiel CS 3.7 needs smooth liquid sounding gear.
This combo should drive the 3.7s to their max potential.

tube like warmth
??? That means colouration to me. It should sound the most neutral, compared to others.
If it behaves anything like an LDR based passive volume control which it sort of is, it does have a small gain section which I believe can be switched out, then it should sound like a direct source to poweramp connection, a transparent and dynamic sound, with the least amount of colouration, given a great impedance match, that you have.

Cheers George
FWIW I mated a Krell Phantom two box pre with my  Agostino  momentum amp. Actually directed that way by a top Agostino guy that knows Krell inside and out. The 222 one box version would please as well. Really love the phantom pre.