Dark Grey convuluted foam

This is the stuff that comes sometimes in the bottom of equipment delivery boxes.
It looks like it would be great behind the stereo as a wall treatment.
All I have is a couple of 12 x 12 pieces.
Does anyone know where you can buy a couple of large pieces of this stuff?
Timrhu, good tip. Thanks everyone .
I just looked at the web site and it stinks!
I mean, I was not able to find anything as to the price of the products. I hate that!
The room calculator was nothing more than giving the web site my name,home adress, and email. The calculator then would not work !
Also, I could not find any mention of the Roominator kits.

How did you guys know what to order?
Must I find some dealer in order to find out these things?
Check Guitarcenter.com for pricing. I believe shipping is free if an item is more than $100. There may be a local Guitar Center near you. I never heard of them until I checked into the Auralex products. They had the kits in stock. My "Roominator" kit was $139 (I think). I have quite a few pieces left over but unfortunately I glued most of them to the acoustic tile. I figured I'd use them all but they can really deaden a room. Now I have leftovers.