Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!
I think this thread is spinning out of control.
Frank I have to tell you that I was somewhat taken aback by the vociferous tenor (pun intended) of your remarks, but took them as a joke. But I don't think it's right to say that I was trying to pull JTinn's leg. If anything, I was holding out the seductive possiblity of an equipment change in front of the poster, with all the audiophilia nervosa that entails.
MES divorced the 80hz problem a couple years ago :-)........The DarTzeel is a good amp, but understand the pricing has risen a bit of late. Parts keep going up unfortunately or worse yet, go out of print without a second source meaning an expensive redesign.......
Better question: How are you post editing?!? I need to learn that trick. This is a totally different post from 5 minutes ago. Arnie?
Yes, Mark, I edited the post because at first I was offended and shocked that you actually thought I would be that low-down so I was a little sarcastic in my response. After re-reading it, I realized that even though I thought my post was SO OUTRAGEOUS that nobody would take it seriously, a slightly more congenial and jocular response was in order.

Arnie? If that's what you think or have decided, I can't change your mind. But in reality, just a friend of Bill W's taking his own inventory and tenth stepping.

BTW, Jonathan and I just talked and we are fine.
I'm glad to hear that all is patched up. Frank, I was getting emails from friends who were wondering how I could take the abuse, but I assured them you were not targeting me. Now, cough up the SME, old chap!