Dartzeel NHB-108

Has anyone heard this Swiss amp? If so, I'd appreciate any comments or thoughts. Thanks!
Frank - Other than insulting DarTzeel, Tenor, Jacob, and Andrew what was the purpose of your response to this honestly asked question? I'd have thought, knowing you, that this approach was beneath you. I expected more from someone in your position. Mark
Mark, chill my friend. This was just Jacob [Gladstone] and I (who was in on it and with whom I had already spoke about it on the phone) poking fun and kidding around with Jonathan. I had already e-mailed Andrew off line to tell him about it. In fact, if you will read the posts again, you will see: (i) that I was complimenting Andrew [Hooper] on his fabulous new system that Jonathan had graciously just flown across the country to help him install; and (ii) that Jonathan responded and ended his post with a smiley face indicating his acknowledgment that he wasn't offended. Since none of them have been insulted, and we were just goofing around with each other, you need not worry. I can assure you that Andrew, Jacob, Jonathan and I are still friends and grown up enough to endure a little good hearted audio ribbing. Doc, sorry I didn't live up to your expectations - but that's what ya get for expecting a low life like me to be an upstanding guy!!! LOL!

PS - Mark, since I OWN the Tenors, love their sound and have reviewed them very positively, how and the heck did you think that I insulted Tenor? Just curious.

PSS - How's your room sounding these days?? Ever get that nagging 80hz bass problem solved?
I think this thread is spinning out of control.
Frank I have to tell you that I was somewhat taken aback by the vociferous tenor (pun intended) of your remarks, but took them as a joke. But I don't think it's right to say that I was trying to pull JTinn's leg. If anything, I was holding out the seductive possiblity of an equipment change in front of the poster, with all the audiophilia nervosa that entails.
MES divorced the 80hz problem a couple years ago :-)........The DarTzeel is a good amp, but understand the pricing has risen a bit of late. Parts keep going up unfortunately or worse yet, go out of print without a second source meaning an expensive redesign.......
Better question: How are you post editing?!? I need to learn that trick. This is a totally different post from 5 minutes ago. Arnie?