Dartzeel or Mark Levinson 33H

Dartzeel or Mark Levinson 33H? I am thinking of switching out my amps. Which of these do you think would offer better sound and synergy to my rigs. Other amps recommendation is also appreciated as well.

Wilson Benesch Chimera speakers, Virtual Dynamics Genesis cabling, Audio Aero Capitol, Chord dsp 8000 pre/pro, Chord SPM 6000 monoblocks. Thanks guys.

Showing 1 response by bpwalsh

For 88 dB sensitivity speakers nominally rated at 4 ohms but dipping to 2.5 ohms, I would be careful about amplifier matching. The dart frequently is used with speakers rated several dB higher sensitivity and with higher, more benign impedances, some with powered woofers, and with such loads can perform well. Bass control, dynamics and weight are some things to listen for. In this price range there should be no compromises.