DarTZeel Preamp

Does anyone have experience with the new DarTZeel NHB 18NS Preamplifier? A few 'Goners have commented on hearing the unit at 2005 CES, but I was wondering in particular if anyone has purchased one, or heard one in a familiar system or at a dealer for instance. Thanks.
OB- The owner's manual is referring to the fact that the amp is ALWAYS drawing a small amount of electricity and maintaining a "charge". After depressing the "POWER NOSE", which takes it out of standby (this is NOT a power switch that disconnects it from the mains), the amp will reach 95% of its potential after five minutes of actual playing time. The amp could be left on all the time and require no five minute warm up, but that would be a waste of electricity.

I read it as Mike referring to the improvement over other amps he has heard in his system (or other systems) and hence the differences the Dart combo brings. Certainly you wouldn't say you have the "same emotional involvement" in your system as when you had the Ref 2 and 600s versus the Ref 3 and 2.1 would you? Or the X-1 versus the X-2s?

Also- what if Jeff Fritz had written a review of the Wilson X-2s or EMM DAC 6/CDSD and it was basically the same "tone" as the Dart review- honest, good reporting of what he heard, but felt these components were not competitive at their given price range. Fair enough?

But how would you feel about those same reviews if you found out Jeff never adjusted the X2 upper modules for his listening position or ran an RCA digital cable between the Meitner pieces and never used the fiber optic connections? Still an honest review, but not totally accurate and representative of the products full potential. *IF* Jeff never removed the DC compensation on the Dart or allowed proper break-in, then he never heard the amp at its full potential and made his comparisons against other amps slightly compromised.

From the Dart manual:

"The third jumper, labeled DC Offset COMP, is the most important since it does affect the sound of the amplifier"

"In doing so, you will fully benefit from the very philisophy of the NHB-108 model one, which is to refuse any compensation or global negative feedback which could impair the sound."
Oneobgyn: You might be confusing an amp that is broken in and had been turned on and after 5 minutes is at 90% vs. an amplifier which has not been broken in at all. Again, this is very definitive and everyone has reported the same experience. If you had ordered one from me, I would have told you about the break-in, just like I did for eveyone else. At that point, I am sure you would completely understand and agree.

BTW... Since I am the one that was very hesitant to recommend you try the LAMM ML2.1's with the Wilson Alexandria, I am glad I was wrong and you are so pleased!

"Also- what if Jeff Fritz had written a review of the Wilson X-2s or EMM DAC 6/CDSD and it was basically the same "tone" as the Dart review- honest, good reporting of what he heard, but felt these components were not competitive at their given price range. Fair enough?"

I honestly don't ever let a review or reviewer ever sway me one way or another. I have said time and again...for me it always boils down to 2 things...my ears and my wallet and I could care less what anyone ever had to say. After all it is my ass that sits in the sweet spot. Pick your flavor gentlemen


"BTW... Since I am the one that was very hesitant to recommend you try the LAMM ML2.1's with the Wilson Alexandria, I am glad I was wrong and you are so pleased!"

Yes you were and yes I amp

I recently had my Ref 3 in for the upgrade where 4 bypass caps were added
The rep who did it is here in Campbell Ca. He made an interesting comment to me. He said that all too often he sees people chasing the "upgrade" ladder and never seem to be happy with what they have. He said at some point one must step back, enjoy what they have and just enjoy the music. I must admit that I am as guilty as any one else posting here but I am pretty much done until Meitner releases there alleged big upgrade for their DAC in the coming year. As far as amps, I feel I have arrived.

I am trying merely to get a feel for everyone's comments about the DarT.

Mike Lavigne

"when you say "anyone who has the same emotional involvement with the amp in their system" i assume you mean that any person with ANY amp (not specifically the darTZeel) might have the same perceptions".

Yes that was what I intended on saying

"Meitner releases there alleged big upgrade for their DAC in the coming year"

Can you give us more information?
As I said "alleged"

I spoke to Andreas Koch (who is a neighbor of mine)last week. They were to have released an upgrade with ceramic rather than silicone boards however talking to him, they weren't that pleased withthe sound and are continuing to work on it.

As well the newest DAC6e now comes with Meitner's discrete DAC's and not those previously dictated by Sony--somewhat of an improvement. The newest version also have a gloss rather than satin finish on the front.

Having said all of this Andreas tells me they would like to come out with a "package" of upgrades with makes for a definite sonic improvement. This hopefully might materialize next year.

The other little known fact is that the newest DCC2 does not (as yet) come with the discrete DAC's....only the newest DAC6e. The newest CDSD has the ability for future firmware upgrades and those who have this new unit, be advised that there is available a firmware upgrade which can be done by inserting the CD-ROM for installation.

Lastly, the newest CDSD with the newest DAC6e has the ability to upsample to 2X DSD. For whatever reason however it does not sound as good as DSD