DCM Time Window 1 questions

I am considering purchasing a pair of DCM Time Window 1 speakers (circa 1980), and I am wondering:

-what would be a reasonable price for a pair in excellent condition?

-what would be the absolute minimum amplifier watts per channel to get good sound from them?

-how would these compare in audio quality to a set of well-made but inexpensive speakers with current technology?

Thanks for any input-
Probably $1000.00 or less. 30 wpc would be my absolute minimum, 80 would be ideal minimum and SS amps at this power rating typically only use one output device for better sound. Lots of choices in the used market, depends on what your priorities are. Consider a pair of Quad 57s for a bargain no-brainer.
Significantly less than $1000. They cost less than that new.
I owned them when they were all the rage in the 70s.