Dealers hijacking the discussions

I’m a very long term member and look at the forums most every day. I’m personally extremely irritated by dealers injecting sales pitches into the discussions which has never really been a problem before. Dealers are biased as it’s the nature of business and this is fine but I don’t go to audiogon to see shameless promotion. There’s one guy in particular that needs to go away. The fact that you’ll all know who it is says volumes about the amount of posting this guy/dealer does on audiogon. Does anyone feel as I do. Just curious.
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I love many dealers.  They are all trying to make a living and that now means figuring out how to use all social media to their advantage.  I get that and resect that as most on here do. It's when it become's blatant selling that it's a distraction from a thread etc...

Those of us who are 'fanboys' ( I do hate that term) of a certain product we own or want to own, will always post about it in threads.  Many folks are very active posters and are known for what we love etc..., but most who are fan boys have also auditioned a TON of gear to get to what our ears like.  We realize that others hear differently and will become fanboys of their own products etc...  That's what I love about the forums.  I have learned about so many other pieces of gear other than what I own and I've changed my system a more than I ever did before because of it.  

I haven't purchased one item, due to a dealer or manufacturer hawking it on this or any other site.  It's because I trust my ears (or even the ears of two close friends who I've met here) and know what I want.  When we all upgrade, that doesn't mean that we don't still love what we used to own, it just means we are blessed to be able to find something even better and can afford it.  

This is why I love the exchanges between average Joe posters like myself.  I know some, but not all the dealers or manufacturer's, so I'm in the camp that they must put into their signature who they are.  Many of you have mentioned folks who are just sharing to share and not to sell, I love it.  Charles Hansen was one of the best at doing that as well as guys like Ralph and others.  

It's funny, but I haven't read or posted as much as I used to and partly because of being turned off a bit.  LEt's see if some folks change their style of posting a bit as it seems like many would love that.
I am going to call out the next dealer that does that to me again...  it was such a turn off I didn't even buy the speaker in question.  Partly due to the fact I am in Boston and the closest venue to demo is in NY and NJ, but mainly due to dealers contacting me.  I travel all over New England and NY for work, if you sell audio equipment I will seek you out.   I will find you, I promise.
I am on the record disliking dealers.
That's just prejudice. As with all prejudice, it's rooted in ignorance.

Oddiofyl, what do you mean contacting you?  I thought they were only supposed to post and that they had some rules about selling directly from this forum.  Why would they contact you, unless it's to directly sell?  Please clarify.  Thanks.