Bob, I was over that loss within a few hours.....NOT.....:). IT will always be there as a lost chance at a NC. I take ribbing well btw, so keep it coming ;).
As for dealers, Hi Fi Buys in Atlanta is a GREAT dealer. They offer many top lines and actually ask questions to find what best suits YOU and not THEM. They don't think about how any points they earn when they sell gear. Alan is a great guy I'm told. Never met him, but have emailed with him. Tell him Pete sent you and he'll laugh I bet. If I ever have a chance, I hope to get there. Lot's of my friends have bought all types of gear there.
Bob, as for an Ayre preamp with Vandersteen mono's, I can't afford it, lol. I only need a balanced, remote volume control. Very simple, but it's really not as few make anything like this. I may ask someone I know who knows what they are doing to make one. I really need to see if my The Memory Player's volume control will work. I know it's digital, but they implement this thing so differently than anything else I"ve heard so maybe it will work. Heck, I PRAY it does as then I can afford to make a move to the Vandersteen amps or even the Gryphon amps that are exceptional.