Your situation is difficult indeed. Don't think you might be able to fix completely but you can "improve".
1-Do you have any place where the floor doesnt bobble that much? If you can find the betterplace you can decrease the ammount of problem to begin with. Move your rack there
2-You need to provide degrees of freedom i.e. movement to your rack as a whole shooting for horizontal movement (easy to implement via ballbearing etc) and in the vertical plane (more difficult via innertubes ) the idea is to have the larger mass the rack supported by means of a damping mechanism that will "lessen" the vibration effect.
3- If possible try to "link" loose slats by means of adhesive between adjacent moving seams.
Some thoughts to share. Your comments
Your situation is difficult indeed. Don't think you might be able to fix completely but you can "improve".
1-Do you have any place where the floor doesnt bobble that much? If you can find the betterplace you can decrease the ammount of problem to begin with. Move your rack there
2-You need to provide degrees of freedom i.e. movement to your rack as a whole shooting for horizontal movement (easy to implement via ballbearing etc) and in the vertical plane (more difficult via innertubes ) the idea is to have the larger mass the rack supported by means of a damping mechanism that will "lessen" the vibration effect.
3- If possible try to "link" loose slats by means of adhesive between adjacent moving seams.
Some thoughts to share. Your comments