Decided to try a SPU cartridge

I’ve been fascinated that the SPU (Stereo Pick-Up) cartridges, which was invented over 60yrs ago in 1958, still has loyal fans today. The SPU is reported to have a big, bold, exuberant and musically exciting character.

While researching, the best SPU cartridge may be the Ortofon SPU Century. I found one new at a greatly discounted price so I took the plunge.

Normally, it’s best to demo before purchasing. But because I’m going for sonic variety rather than improvement, the SPU’s sonic description and market longevity is enough for me to feel confident it’ll be a good experience. Besides, trying to track down a SPU demo in this Covid environment may be a pain.

In addition, I’ll probably purchase a Ortofon SPU Classic GM E MkII to experience the “original” SPU sound. Other SPUs I may try are Ortofon’s SPU Meister Silver GM MkII, SPU Synergy GM, SPU Royal GM MkII, SPU Wood A.

Next I’ll have to get a SPU tonearm. The usual suspects are Thomas Schick, Groovemaster II, and Ikeda. I wonder what’s the best SPU tonearm?

I suspect that tonearm cables upgrades won’t yield enough sonic improvements for SPUs.


I don’t think you can use an SUT with a current source phono stage. An SUT is a voltage-to-current converter. Regarding tone arms - a heavy arm like an FR or an Ikeda is a must for any SPU or low-compliance mc cartridge. Also SAEC arms!


You should be able to use a SUT into the MM section of the Grail.

The autoload sensing pertains to the MC input stage only.

i vote for Groovemaster for classic sound with SPU. old time, people used sme3012 but not the best i have tried and i dont think that is up to date for nowadays standard, SPU has quite of variant. please be aware of its spec. some of them are very low ohm, which cause you matching resistance with step up transformer . easy to get its own ortofon. but to me, it is NOT the best price and sound out there .

SPUs are typically very low impedance devices that work exceptionally well run directly into transimpedance phono preamps. Usually a perfect combo 🎶

The only caveat I can think of could the be use of a coaxial signal cable that may treat the +/- signals differently. I prefer a cable (e.g. twisted pair) whose equal outputs are just an extension of the cartridge pins.