Decware and “The List”



My issue with Decware is this … don’t tell me it’s 18 months with 2100 people on the List when your monthly production is less than 60 units.  Math doesn’t lie, that’s over a three year wait.  The list is growing faster than they can build and that’s a bad thing.   The Steve G review will only put them further behind. Didn’t they learn anything from the last two reviews of the UFO84?

  They should just say look, we don’t want to sacrifice quality it will be 2 1/2 to 3 years .. are you still in ?    



when my time comes I hope to be able to face it as you are: with dignity and gratitude. Thank you for sharing and putting things in perspective.

+1 voodoo.    Very brave to face that diagnosis head on with such dignity.   I wish you well Chip.  Hopefully you find the exact amp you are looking for .

Voodoochillin and Oddiofyl....Thank you Gentlemen (or Ladies) for the kind words, much appreciated!

Perhaps some of you might be interested that you can buy the printed circuit board for the original Zen triode and build it yourself. I just did that and it arrived in about a week.


there is a very nice set of instructions and a complete parts list and for me it’s priced out to about $500 including the tubes.