They ARE dead quiet. No spitting, sparks, smoke or humming. No glue or cheap Chinese parts inside and no gaudy exteriors. Their value far exceeds their price, which galls some audio consumers who buy in part based upon a large price tag.
The designer will make himself available for personal one-on-one conversations about the equipment and its use. They make products for the love of good sound, not just to achieve a pre-determined profit margin.
"Genuine" reviews? There are plenty of them; some are linked or posted on the DECWARE site. A 6Moons review of the original TABOO comes to mind. In addition to that, there are a plethora of detailed posts regarding use and enjoyment of DECWARE equipment.
I have owned several pieces of DECWARE equipment and have been happy and satisfied with each one. The products go through updating and revisions in the quest for continual improvement.
Not going to RMAF? So what. The don't need to. They are quiet company that maintains a low key profile; they do not engage in specious self promotion either.
" . . .that once experienced they don't have the typical audiophile itch to try other amps. I'm specifically struck by the new Torii MKIII push-pull amp, which in description and looks is just beautiful. . . ."
Duh. If somebody likes the DECWARE equipment it is logical not to look elsewhere.
The designer will make himself available for personal one-on-one conversations about the equipment and its use. They make products for the love of good sound, not just to achieve a pre-determined profit margin.
"Genuine" reviews? There are plenty of them; some are linked or posted on the DECWARE site. A 6Moons review of the original TABOO comes to mind. In addition to that, there are a plethora of detailed posts regarding use and enjoyment of DECWARE equipment.
I have owned several pieces of DECWARE equipment and have been happy and satisfied with each one. The products go through updating and revisions in the quest for continual improvement.
Not going to RMAF? So what. The don't need to. They are quiet company that maintains a low key profile; they do not engage in specious self promotion either.
" . . .that once experienced they don't have the typical audiophile itch to try other amps. I'm specifically struck by the new Torii MKIII push-pull amp, which in description and looks is just beautiful. . . ."
Duh. If somebody likes the DECWARE equipment it is logical not to look elsewhere.