Dedicated line

I have done a bunch of reading on dedicated lines and talked to an electrician and just want to confirm with people here this makes sense. I already have sub-panel which is on the opposite side of the wall where I have my audio stuff plugged into.

I am thinking of setting up two dedicated lines. Since the run of wire is short (10 feet tops) I was thinking 12 gauge to a 15A circuit breaker with TeslaPlex receptacles. I was thinking of using solid copper Romex wire. Does anyone have any other wiring suggestions

Grounding is my biggest concern, my electrician said I can drive a 6 foot grounding rod into the ground and attach the 2 dedicated lines to it. Does this make sense?
Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by davea33

Salevick, what additional info do you need?

My electrician says if I use 10 gauge wire then I will need a 20 amp circuit. Since the run is so short and the draw is minimal I thought 15 amp 12 gauge wire would be fine with a 15 amp circuit. Can you hook up 10 gauge wire to a Teslaplex? Any reommendations on wire?

Also, plan on using one of Alan Maher's circuit breaker filters. Since I'm rewiring, I plan on putting it in the inside of the wall. Any thoughts on this.

Thanks for everyones response.
Let me be a bit clearer, I was thinking of having an isolated ground for the two dedicated circuits in the sub-panel, not the receptacles. Does this make more sense and is it worth doing? I don't think I have any grounding issues right now and I have no idea how clean or dirty my power maybe.
