Interesting question. A little while back I had a project where I had to run 55 feet, 2 circuits in one pipe on the outside of a house. I spun the hot and neutral only on the 2 circuits and pulled the grounds loose in the pipe. I measured 0 mv between any of the neutral to grounds. I was quite surprised at this as I usually see maybe 5mv to 20mv. It has made me want to set up a test in my own system and measure whether it is best to leave the ground loose or twisted. I have also been told by a cable manufacturer to try and twist the ground backwards over the twisted hot and neutral. These are all things to consider.
Another project really surprised me when the Oyaide of about 20 foot runs was giving 72 plus mV between the ground and neutral.
As of this time, I have not had anyone tell me they are experiencing hum issues from induced mV onto the ground. That is not where I end up tracing the issue out. I have had severe hum issues when someone uses MC and goes into one box, then leaves with MC to a second box and lands a second duplex. I have seen this issue twice. I have not seen a hum issue when this is done with NM wire. But I would never advise anyone do as such. There are times when people have budgets and want to shave costs. Even 10 AWG NM is expensive. Every run is about $350 to install if the walls are open. It adds up.
I had another project very similar about 4 months ago. 2 full circuits on the outside of the house in 1 PVC pipe. About 50 foot run. My grain oriented twisted wire. The customer says the system is dead quiet.