Hdm i kind of evolved my lp cleaning method in the past 2 years. I was strictly manual with using Disc Dr.s wash with locally bought distilled water along with MFSL brushes on a large lazy susan. I also used a small shop vac with the little attachment and a cotton cloth covering the opening. Then i went with Walkers Prelude system still using my manual method. I broke down and bought a 16.5 and really glad i did, along with Walkers cleaners. When i switched to Walker i marked the outer cover with a W so i know which i cleaned and rinsed with Walkers water. And at that time i could hear a difference for the better rinsing with Walkers. I bought some Audio Intelligence cleaner and water not long ago. And it was that water i used in my first steam cleaning. Like i said above steaming takes a lps sound farther for better sound IMO. I will most likely steam rinse my lp collection, though i will be getting 5 gallons of Nerl water on my next order for that job and hopefully more lps out there i may get in time.
Jahaira please get back to us on your findings.
Many thanks for the input guys.
Jahaira please get back to us on your findings.
Many thanks for the input guys.