Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
I use a Precision (brand name) steamer from Its about 20 dollars and I use it with really dirty garage sale albums. I also have a nitty gritty which does a good but not so thorough, but easier to use job. I also clean my stylus with a small block of Majic Eraser. Cleanliness is next to....
Guys, what are you using as an enzynne agent? Are these dedicated audio products or can I bought any enzematic agent from a mega store ( like Walmart for example)?

Stltrains, thanks for replying. I will check it out.

My friend told me that they cleaned 4 records yesterday. He is using a Loricraft machine with AI formulas. The first one they tried is a record he was intended to return to the seller since it was unlistenable. Not any more, he will keep it now. After trying that one and gainning confidence, he did 3 more which turned with a pair of improvement and one wasn't changed. Those were cleaned before with his system less steamer. He was so impressed with the results that just bought a Perfection Steamer from Walgreens too.

I cleaned a few more today wity the same great results.
Does steaming remove manufacturing residues on new records??

LAST factory sold 3/4 Oz of their power clean solution for $40! I'm really not sure if I should go for it.
