Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
T : I do not use any attachment, making adjustments with my gloved hand and the angle I hold the Lp.

I am open to using the conical attachment should I be able to preclean the cone to a degree that the cone stops feeling "slick" to the touch.

For me , the greater concern are the vinyl hoses that reek of a chemical smell. My concern is that smell portends of chemicals that may be deposited on newly cleaned vinyl with unknown , long-trem consequences. In previous posts, we learned that "last" & "sound guard" record wear preventatives actually made LPs unplayable 10-15 years after the application . I have reason to be concerned that the vinyl chemicals contained in the hoses could have unintended consequences similar to "Last","Soundguard" and "Armor All".
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All its truly unfortunate that this fine thread has turned into a BS match. There is no doubt about it that steaming is the best way to clean a LP. For the life of me i cant understand whats the problem. I for one dont give a rats ass who came up with it. If its you Crem many thanks. All that should be going on here is the promotion of steaming. All of the other BS must cease. Please find your perspective on what important to the betterment of vinyl playback for all. We can agree that steaming is the answer to the best in vinyl cleaning which means better playback. So lets get back to the real meaning of this thread.

Deep Cleaning Records with Steam.
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