Denafrips Ares ii

I am considering a Denafrips Ares ii dac and have a few questions that I am hoping owners of this dac can answer.

1 What is the cost of import taxes and/or fees?

2 Is it as dimensional as a tube dac?

3 Two reviews thought the highs were edgy. What has been your experience with the treble on this dac?

My system:
Unison Research Triode 25
Audio Physics Classic 10
Bluesound Node 2i
Cambridge Audio CXC
Paradigm Seismic 10
Black Ice Audio DSD



Showing 2 responses by jl35

many sellers recently are stating the new price is $1098...but that is Singapore dollars, translating daily to a little over $800 US including shipping which takes a few weeks...I have not found the highs to be tube DAC is much more expensive and have not compared...I use mine currently with CXC

I leave mine on all the time, the lights are so small, can barely tell they are on...