DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more....


DENAFRIPS lists the following R2R DACs:

Ares, Pontus, Venus, and Terminator (in increasing price order).

"DENAFRIPS incorporated in year 2012, focus in developing high end audio equipment at a very affordable price. Throughout the years of intense Research & Development, and continuous improvement of the product lines, DENAFRIPS had finally settled with the current product range equipped with R-2R ladder DAC technology. The reason behind this is the designer strongly believe that R-2R DAC is the best way to reproduce music.

The name, DENAFRIPS, stand for:


This mean a lot and it is the house-sound of all DENAFRIPS products." [Copied From Denafrips About Us section]
@bube Looking forward to hearing about your findings from the early demo of the full DENAFRIPS DAC line prior to Axpona.

Vinh, by the way, I have your Danacables Lazuli Reference leash for my Focal Utopias. A fabulous pairing for the Focal Headphones! I see you have the step up Ultra in your lineup now. Can’t imagine it getting better, but I’m sure it does. : )
@jayctoy I am just happy to introduce fellow audiophiles to a nice product.
Having been in the business for 20 years, I know how difficult it is to break into the market with new products.  I have been fortunate to have had helps along the way and am just looking to pass it forward.  I had a recent session at my place to show off the system I am bringing to AXPONA (including the  Terminator) and everyone seemed to like it.
@ david_ten glad you are enjoying our Danacable Lazuli Reference on your Utopia.  The Ultra is better but at a cost.  There will be an upcoming review comparing the full Lazuli line (Lazuli, Lazuli Reference, and Lazuli Ultra) on the Abyss Phi headphones.  That should give you some info about how the Lazuli Reference fares against the Ultra.
Vinh Vu
Update on the AXPONA Denafrips demo. The Venus is in the house (thank you Alvin) and I was able to set it up to play in parallel with the Terminator.
I can do real-time switching between the two for comparison so the demo will work. Having all four models in the chain will take a little more coordination but it should work fine.
I am expecting the Pontus and Ares soon.
Vinh Vu
Gingko Audio and Danacable
@bube, "I had a recent session at my place to show off the system I am bringing to AXPONA (including the Terminator) and everyone seemed to like it."

+1.  I was there, and echo what Vinh said, everyone seemed to like it.  Speaking for myself, I sure did