Denafrips Terminator 2 bs. ?

should read vs. not bs. TYPO   I can’t seem to be able to edit the title.  Sorry 

I am strongly, considering the terminator to 12th anniversary.
I did some research Red reviews, and a friend of mine actually has the plus which he loves my system consist of a Parasound halo amp and preamp all Morrow series 6 cables, and PBN speakers

for $5000. Do you think there is anything I should strongly consider without making this an impossible task

they currently have a Gustard X 26 pro which I will be replacing



Showing 9 responses by bobbyloans

I like the idea of the plus.  Hard to find the newer version 12th anniversary 

thanks for the input.  

Well thank everyone or our comment though some are ridiculous and riddled with no value. For those who truly responded respectfully ; I thank you. 
I ordered the Denafrips after many outstanding reviews.  
I’ll be back to post my thoughts once I’ve done my evaluations.

This is a forum for learning and trying to appreciate experiences by hearing what others have already experienced, it’s for hackles and jokers who probably have an old Magnavox …… 

I’m not sure what that means unreadable? There have been many comments and input given…. 

Well ajhsu2 correct me if I’m wrong but I believe that retails for $20,000. If that’s anywhere near that price it’s 4x the Denafrips Terminator. I’m glad you are enjoying it. I received my unit today and just started warming it up. I’m happy to say I’m very pleased and thank everyone out there who helped make my decision. 

I do not believe there is a 15.  May be a misprint. Where did you see this? The website shows all of their newest equipment and Alvin Chee the owner is very helpful with matching the correct equipment for your system. There is no upsell 

I will contact Alvin later and try to get a solid answer. We’re all curious here

Wow that’s great information and thank you.  I do feel better knowing that non of those specs will affect my listening as  Distortion levels that low mean nothing at my listening levels and overall basically the same component   
this hobby is a step towards insanity for sure 



Hey a tidbit of fun facts

. I know we’ve talked about highs and lows and breakin periods for bass …. Denafrips DACs love Boz Scaggs recordings and will show off any bass you thought you never had.  Play a few tracks and let me know your thoughts   We sometimes get so caught up on our equipment and cables and breakins …. Sometimes it’s just how it was recorded 

just my opinion