Dear PK, In one of the early and now deleted posts, did you not say that you were advised (presumably by your dealer) that the DL103 and the ANS2 should work well together? And now you are saying that your dealer most recently advised you the match is not ideal. If I've got it right about your initial interaction with them, then perhaps Dover's criticism is fair. They led you down the garden path, as it were, and in my mind they ought to make good on correcting the mismatch, again assuming you originally chose the ANS2 per their advice. But perhaps my recollection of your earliest statement is incorrect. (I read this thread a few days ago, before all the deletions. It seems to me the moderators were excessively zealous in deleting so many posts, because I don't recall any nasty or unfair comments worthy of being trashed.)
In any case, I think we can say your mystery is solved: Your SUT and the DL103 are not well matched, and for that revelation you can thank Dover. What nonplussed me is the notion that AN will not release the specifications on the ANS2. That seems preposterous for a component that is useless, unless it can be properly matched to cartridge and phono stage. I suppose they market it as what you should use if you buy specific ones of their own AN cartridge offerings. Thus the end user can be kept in the dark, like a puppy dog.