Denon DL-103 and Audio Note AN-S2 SUT problem

Hi all. 

So with high hopes of glorious vinyl sound I purchased the Audio Note M6 phono and the AN S-2 L SUT. The pair replaced my M3 Line and a Lehman Black cube phono stage head amp.
Well it didn't work. It sounds like my laptop speakers. No bass, very tinny and almost no gain. Not even listenable.
Is the AN S-2 SUT that poor a match for the Denon DL-103? I am pretty sure I have read that others have used this combination successfully. Even my local dealer said it would be a good match.

Is there a problem with the SUT maybe? 

I am quite disappointed to say the least.

Thanks for any help. 

The M6 has a failed coupling capacitor. By Audio Note's own admission they have had problems with copper foil caps of these years and have now gone to a redesigned cap to avoid this.
I have recently purchased an M2 phono for a future 2nd system while the M6 is waiting on parts. The M2 has a similar phono stage to the M6..... It works very nicely with the Denon 103 MC and the AN S-2 SUT. So as several have suggested quite strongly the issue was that the Denon 103 and the AN S-2 would not work together... you were very wrong. I would suggest you base you comment on actual experience next time. Some even went so far as to say my trusted dealer had sold me down the river. The funny thing is, as mentioned in my posts, I didn't buy the M6 or the SUT from my dealer. Hmmm.. 
In addition. I have decided to replace all the old capacitors with the updated AN capacitors to avoid any possible future problems.

When the M6 arrives home I will update the thread for re confirmation.

Thanks for all the comments. 
Update... .

The M6 is back with new caps and it sounds glorious through the AN SUT 2 and Denon 103 mc.

Many thanks for all your replies.

Happy listening