Describe the sound of point source loudspeakers?

I have not heard any but I’m going to audition some in the near future. Can you provide any pointers or things I should be listening for? My current loudspeakers are von Schweikert db99se and they are definitely not point source. Thanks for your input.

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

A point is by definition a dimensionless or infinitely small location in space. Dimensionless or infinitely small objects cannot possibly produce sound. (Some will no doubt now go chasing after these speakers with zero room interactions.) I mention this only to illustrate how easy it is to go off the rails talking tech. Jargon is a creature unto its own.

I never once in my life went to hear a point source, or a dipole, or even a horn, folded or otherwise. Never went to audition isobaric, line array, or any other speaker design approach. All I ever went to audition was speakers. Then evaluate whatever I hear in light of the room, music, associated equipment, and yes maybe even speaker design. Maybe. Sometimes.

In other words I never put the cart before the horse.