You have received some very good recommendations.
You have several factors in your favor that can help you fulfill your stated goal. 1Your speakers are both high sensitivity and are known to be easy to drive. You do not require much power so the focus can be on power quality as opposed to quantity.
2 Yout budget range opens the door for some really fine options.
3 Your room dimensions aren’t cavernous so again no need to chase high power amplification.
Some have suggested tube integrated amplifiers and that makes a lot of sense. However I don’t agree with the idea that seperates components are a waste of time. Not true. For roughly the same cost of a Raven Blackhawk integrated here is a highly competitive alternative using seperates.
Atma-Sphere UV-1 preamplifier that utilizes a very simple class A circuit using 6SN7 tubes. Built and backed by the esteemed Ralph Karsten.
Coincident Dynamo MK III el 34 in a single ended pure class A circuit that’d hard wired. 8 watts (Plenty for your speakers and certainly your room size). This is a very high quality built amplifier.
These two excellent separate components will provide you superb sound quality for very reasonable cost. For a bit more money the Dynamo can be built as a 300b SET rather than the SEP el 34. This combo will give any similar priced tube integrated a serious run for the money and may possibly exceed them. There’s plenty of information and reviews available for both of these highly regarded components.
You have received some very good recommendations.
You have several factors in your favor that can help you fulfill your stated goal. 1Your speakers are both high sensitivity and are known to be easy to drive. You do not require much power so the focus can be on power quality as opposed to quantity.
2 Yout budget range opens the door for some really fine options.
3 Your room dimensions aren’t cavernous so again no need to chase high power amplification.
Some have suggested tube integrated amplifiers and that makes a lot of sense. However I don’t agree with the idea that seperates components are a waste of time. Not true. For roughly the same cost of a Raven Blackhawk integrated here is a highly competitive alternative using seperates.
Atma-Sphere UV-1 preamplifier that utilizes a very simple class A circuit using 6SN7 tubes. Built and backed by the esteemed Ralph Karsten.
Coincident Dynamo MK III el 34 in a single ended pure class A circuit that’d hard wired. 8 watts (Plenty for your speakers and certainly your room size). This is a very high quality built amplifier.
These two excellent separate components will provide you superb sound quality for very reasonable cost. For a bit more money the Dynamo can be built as a 300b SET rather than the SEP el 34. This combo will give any similar priced tube integrated a serious run for the money and may possibly exceed them. There’s plenty of information and reviews available for both of these highly regarded components.