Devialet for Wilson Audio Sasha 2 Speakers

Does anyone have first-hand experience / suggestions using Devialet with Wilson Audio Speakers?

I have a pair of WA Sasha 2 Speakers in a 20' x 26' Room, with good acoustics; I'm considering the Devialet 200, 220, 250 & 400 Models - all have SAM (DSP) Processing for the Sasha 2.
Yes you wouldn't know unless you are using same room same room and only adjusting a few variables. But when I stop by and played my Christy Barron disk. It was airy, lively & full and quite holographic. Treble seem just a bit untidy. Basically you need to do home audition.
Btw they were just using one amp not mono and disc playing through AR cd player! I didn't think it lack musicality! 
I heard Wilson Sasha with the 120k Sim Audio mono that look like living room ottomans and it was smooth with a touch of warmth. But lack the liveliness of the Devialet. 
KW6 we were using the same room same everything and the Devialet got clobbered by the T+A gear wasn't even close that was on the KEF Blades and Polymer Audio MKXs. 

Everything was the same cables, power conditioning, the only difference was we were using the Devialet built in digital vs a EMM Labs front end at the time. 

The Devialet was cold, and didn't have the warmth in the midrange or the same kind of holographic sound stage.

Personally I never liked the Sim stuff at all as per lively the Devialet has great drive and great tight bass. 

The biggest issue with Devialet is the lack of musicality that makes you want to turn off the system after a while. 

We put out a Naim stack 250Dr amp, NAC 272 preamp and XS power supply and it is just captivating, no does not have the inky black ness nor powerful quality of the Devialet but I would want to listen to music all day on this setup, with the Devialet is is all fireworks oh ahh listen to that but never fully engrossing. 

Again I would listen to Naim or T+A compared to any Devialet product.

The new Micromega isn't as quiet, nor as viscerally dynamic but its class A/B amplifier is engrossing in a way the Devialet D 130 was not and at nearly 1/2 the price.

For these and other reasons we have moved on. What is interesting to note is if you do research on  the Devialet Phantom vs the new KEF LS 50 wireless you will see a lot of similarities. 

Devialet is built by telecommunications engineers it is a fantastic product and is so technologically advanced. The issue with Devialet is that they are not music lovers per say they view audio as a money making enterprise and desire to be the next Apple or Sonos. Their products are wow inducing just like the Phantoms they just don't seem natural and fully satisfying in the long run. 

It will remain to be seen how big they will grow vs the more old school manufacturers. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

devialet is not lively at all, i found them drab and dull, with absolutely no emotion, or jump. sure they will play loud, but the sound was just ........" just turn it off".

 if you guys feel they are the bees balls, so be it, enjoy.  i find them very low in sound quality.

just my opinion, I'm sure there are many who dump 10K into a car amplifier, and think its the best, if thats you.....  enjoy.