Devialet for Wilson Audio Sasha 2 Speakers

Does anyone have first-hand experience / suggestions using Devialet with Wilson Audio Speakers?

I have a pair of WA Sasha 2 Speakers in a 20' x 26' Room, with good acoustics; I'm considering the Devialet 200, 220, 250 & 400 Models - all have SAM (DSP) Processing for the Sasha 2.
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As far as I know Nelson doesn't design anything with BJT outputs.
Suggest you look at nearly all the bigger Thresholds amongst others he designed.

Cheers George 
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Even so this sort of impedance and -phase angle load that the Sasha presents in the bass needs a lot of current to drive, and BJT’s do that better than Mosfets can.

Cheers George