Devialet for Wilson Audio Sasha 2 Speakers

Does anyone have first-hand experience / suggestions using Devialet with Wilson Audio Speakers?

I have a pair of WA Sasha 2 Speakers in a 20' x 26' Room, with good acoustics; I'm considering the Devialet 200, 220, 250 & 400 Models - all have SAM (DSP) Processing for the Sasha 2.
Yes Audiotroy same room but different front end. Sabrinas were using AR cd player and the Sim was using all Sim gear. Their sofa swings around so one end of the room was Sashas and the other end was the Sabrinas.  If I can post pic I can show you the room facing the Sashas. 

I heard a 70 watt full Naim system. Sounded clearly  Solid state. 
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As far as I know Nelson doesn't design anything with BJT outputs.
Suggest you look at nearly all the bigger Thresholds amongst others he designed.

Cheers George