devore fidelity gibbon nines ,need good amplificat

hey every one i need good amplification for this lovely speakers i heard them with 3 amplification :
1.leben cs600
2.cary sli80
3.nuforce 9 two monoblocks+pre ear.

any another advice i wanna amazing amplification and the list i heard was in the same level but not so good any another or maybe what u think of this amplification that i hear ?
my livingroom is 3 meter*5 meter but isnt aqustic at all and i sit in the 3 meter size and the speakers is near to me
i need to this speakers tube amplification or regular or pre tube and power not tube ??? i m confused pls help me
Jet, I agree, you heard the gear at different dealers in different rooms, cables etc, so its not quite an apples to apples comparison. Now if you can get the Shindo dealer to let you borrow the gear overnight so you can compare it in your room with the Pathos, now that would be a fair comparison. The closest dealer to me (in Montreal) is known to lend out Shindo gear for auditioning, so this is quite doable.

BTW, the reason why he's so willing to lend out such exotic gear is because he said that everytime he lends it out, it doesn't come back... they always buy the piece. So beware! :)
Jet, I agree, you heard the gear at different dealers in different rooms, cables etc, so its not quite an apples to apples comparison. Now if you can get the Shindo dealer to let you borrow the gear overnight so you can compare it in your room with the Pathos, now that would be a fair comparison. The closest dealer to me (in Montreal) is known to lend out Shindo gear for auditioning, so this is quite doable.

BTW, the reason why he's so willing to lend out such exotic gear is because he said that everytime he lends it out, it doesn't come back... they always buy the piece. So beware! :)
Full disclosure I am a dealer....

We have found the Art Audio Jotas to be a great match for the Nines. You would not believe the amount of deep, tight bass a 300B amp can get out of that small woofer. Yet you still get the midrange magic.

We have not had as good luck with lower-cost tube amps, like Cayin or Jolida (which I really like...just not as good of a match for the Nines).

My 2 cents.
I have not heard the Devore Nines with the Jota but after reading about the Art Audio amps and the Jota in paticular, thought it might be a very good combo...
Hi Bolero,

I've heard the "Nines" with a lot of amplifiers and IMO with the DensenĀ it's a magic dream!
