Devore Gibbon X or O/96?

One of these will be my next upgrade. I've had the 9s for about 5 years. Would appreciate any input from those who have heard/own one or the other. I have Shindo separates, the Monbrison and Montille (20-watt version).
No_regrets, I apologize for not responding sooner, I am just now seeing your post. My listening room is 15 by 19, with a ceiling that slopes upward towards the listening seat. The speakers are along the long wall (for some reason, speakers always sound better there in this particular room). They are about 41 inches from the wall behind them to the front inside corner of each speaker (I have them toed in slightly). The distance from the side walls vary for each speaker because there is a door behind the L speaker and so that speaker is further from the side wall than the R speaker. I have heard that doing this actually helps even out the bass response. I am about 8-9 feet from the speakers at my listening position, and they are about 7 1/2 feet apart from center to center. In my humble opinion, I think these speakers would sound even better in a larger room. I auditioned them in a much larger room at the dealer and they were more open sounding there with a larger soundstage, both vertical and horizontal. He was using a Line Magnetic 518 integrated. I have Shindo separates. That being said, these speakers image as well or better than any speakers I've had in my room, and I've had a lot!
Thank you ladok for your detailed reply to my inquiry. Sounds like a great setup you've got there, one that I would imagine you'll enjoy for a very long time!

Best wishes and happy listening!
Well hello...I understand this has been a while since this discussion was going. None-the-less...let's continue...

I've recently acquired and implemented my Line Magnetic 518ia (Singapore upgraded Ed). I am thinking very much towards Devore and was thinking of the 0/93 or the Gibbon X. Then I found this above:
"I auditioned them in a much larger room at the dealer and they were more open sounding there with a larger soundstage, both vertical and horizontal. He was using a Line Magnetic 518 integrated." So relevant topic here for me. 

I am currently using PMC Twenty26. They have excellent presence, sound-stage and dynamics. But they are not as efficient as the Devore's.

And consequently I don't think I'm getting the best result from this amp that is possible. I'm going to keep my PMC's and stand whatever choice of speaker next to them at least until I move house/villa.

So I was liking the shape of the X's as opposed to the portrait width of the 0/93. Of course their more expensive that the 0/93 too...and I like the value proposition of the 0/93's too.