Devore O/96 with Class A Solid State Amps

The Devore O/96 is highly regarded and most frequently heard with tube amps, often lower power SET amps to good effect.  I'm a big fan of SET amps and have heard the Devore O/96 with different SET designs and PP tube amps like Leben.  The O/96 is extremely good with many of these tube amps.  But I recently tried my Devore O/96 with a Pass Labs XA30.8 amplifier was astounded at how great this combination sounds.  The O/96 is really transformed with the XA30.8 and I think the sound is superb.  The clarity, realism, tonal purity, detail, imaging, neutrality, musicality, and ease of reproduction in highly complex demanding musical passages is extraordinary.  Has anyone else tried pairing Devore O/96 with Class A amps?
Hi Bill (Brownsfan),
I concur with the open mind approach, you never know unless you try. Joe (Snoblo) has compared the Pass Labs XA 30.8 and a First Watt amplifier to his Frankenstein MK II SET. He was really impressed with both of the SS amplifiers. Ultimately he preferred the Frankenstein but had nothing negative to say about the excellent SS amplifiers. Who knows? Your outcome could be different from his. These are all very fine amplifiers and as always it is a matter of taste. Bill if you decide to try either of the SS amplifiers let us know your listening impressions.
Take care,
Bayreuth, I suspected the 30.8 would have the edge over the J2.  It seams like there are always used J2's to be had, which I presume are mostly trade in's for the Pass amps. Charles, thanks for the heads up on Snoblo's experience.  It is going to be awhile before I buy any more gear.  I'm just starting to delve into the world of room treatments, and I am going to be taking my time on this project and getting the room right.  This stuff isn't exactly cheap.  I expect this will be a year long process, possibly more.  I have been doing a lot of listening lately, after a whole year of doing well to get an hour a week in.   Its funny, I'm like a kid in a toy store right next to a candy shop.  There is just so much I want to do.  I wish every day was 48 hours and every week had 14 days.   Life is good! 
Hi Bill,

It's great to hear you're getting some quality listening time. For guys like us (and gals), it's a great thing. Some may think me crazy, but to take advantage of available listening time, all my listening must occur between approximately 11:00 pm-4:00 am, depending on when my wife goes to bed.

Being retired is a godsend, as my listening schedule is something I take advantage of every day of the week. If something upsets this schedule, I feel robbed. I'm fortunate my listening (living) room is separated enough from the master bedroom, and neighbors, that I can listen at any volume I choose, without disturbing anyone. For that I'm grateful. What a gift.

Brownsfan:  " I'm just starting to delve into the world of room treatments, and I am going to be taking my time on this project and getting the room right.  This stuff isn't exactly cheap."

If you are willing and capable of the DIY track, you can achieve very good room treatment without that much cost.  I took this track, and it made very important and critical improvements in my listening experience.
Hi Bill, 
I'm glad you are finding the time to enjoy your music collection and system once again.  Are you using the Coincident Super Victory or do you resort to the Triumph Extremes more often? I came so close to buying the SV but instead bought the Total Eclipse II. Probably couldn't possibly go wrong with either. 