DH labs q-10?

Any thoughts on this cable? Or should I just get the t-14? THey claim better bass reproduction...but is it just a claim?
I bought some of the Q-10 to put in my son's 2 channel set up. Before I put it in his system, I spent some time doing an A-B with Kimber 8tc. I found the Q-10 to be a more open sounding cable. I also preferred the Q-10 in low end reproduction, it didn't sound as muddy as the 8tc. IMO, go for the Q-10.
Audioquest Granite has good bass. 60% off now at Audio Advisor. LATinternational.com wire is same price as DH - may want to compare in home trial.
T-14 is known for thin bass. Excellent mids and highs. Even when biwired the T-14 still was weak. Try the Q-10! I haven't heard it, but it's probably not a claim.