Diana Krall

I was in Fort Lauderdale last Thursday and saw/heard Diana Krall.  Second time, first was in Wilkes Barre PA after Wallflower cd, this one after her recent one.  Two quite different concerts, both outstanding.  This one was "jazzy", an upright bass, a drummer, guitarist, fiddle/violinist (and a pianist/vocalist).  5 great musicians on the stage, and a wonderful singer.  She is wonderful live.  Highly recommended, as equipment reviewers often say.  Worth the price of admission.  
Put me in the camp of "I don't get it". I don't understand why audiophiles are fascinated with her. I don't think she has a good classic voice. She just kind of - talks. But to each his own. Not my type of music either, except maybe as background music at a nice restaurant, but that's beside the point. I can appreciate great artists in unfavored genres, like Celine Dion and Whitney Houston. I just don't see it here. But then again, I don't get the audiophile fascination with screamers like Aretha Franklin or foggy vocals by Norah Jones either.
@jasmith, there is no correlation between being an audiophile and being a music-phile. It is a random correlation.

Diana Krall, Harry Connick, Jr., Natalie Cole, Andrea Bocelli...etc, etc, etc. If you know what I mean you need no explanation. If you don’t know what I mean then enjoy your music.

I was in Santa Monica yesterday for a meeting and had a little time to kill afterwards.  So, I went to Optimal Enchantment to talk with Randall.  The equipment and systems that he has in his one room store/listening room are nothing short of amazing.

I just needed a few moments to relax and talk and hear some great music and equipment.  Very top of the line stupidly expensive Basis turntable and tone arm with a stupidly expensive cartridge, into Audio Research REF 10 phono stage and Audio Research REF 10 pre-amp, then into Vandersteen audio model 7 with Vandersteen amps. 

He played Diana Krall live in Paris.  That was absolutely the best live recording I have every heard.  the Engineers and sound recording technicians really knew their stuff.

The worries of the day evaporated and with Diana Krall, Grant Green and Dean Martin playing I was there.

I heard the same system a few months earlier and he used the same setup but with Audio Research REF 250 SE amps.  that system completely disappeared.  I can't say the same with the Vandersteen Amps.

Don't get me wrong, I'll take the Vandersteen model 7's and his amps without hesitation.  They were great.

But, just had to post here that Diana Krall live in Paris is absolutely a great two album set.  I ordered it immediately upon returning home.

If you have a chance to stop in on Randall at his shop in Santa Monica, you won't find a more knowledgeable and likeable person. 


I don’t know anyone here well enough to be singling anyone out; I am not.  This is just a general observation that I started to make in an earlier post and decided it was best to not go there; it certainly doesn’t apply in all cases.  Imo, some audiophile/music lovers do not do a good enough job of separating the “ear-candy” appeal of some recordings from its intrinsic musical value when making an assessment of the recording’s or the artist’s musical merit.  DK’s recordings are generally very well recorded and in a way that appeals to the audiophile’s sensibilities.  Conversely, some artists whose recordings are generally not as “impressive” in the sonics department are sometimes bumped down a notch or two (or more) in spite of being on a considerably higher level of musicality.