First, this has nothing to do with fourier transform.
The crux of the question is precisely about the fourier method and the impossibility to work with it in the time domain...
YOUR TOOLS WORK measuring gear components not hearing abilities...
YOU PLAY WITH ME... It is not polite...
The article by Oppenheim and Magnasco is about LISTENING TESTS...
And they demonstrate the human hearing abilities beating the Gabor limit and the Fourier uncertainty...
Then your measuring tools are adequate for gear measurements components not for establishing the value of hearing experience...
You act as a GURU equatiing measuring gear components tools with hearing experience...You refused to discuss the meaning of the Oppenheim and Magnasco listenings experiments...
Your tools dont works in the time domain analysis and work in a time symmetrical domain... The ears /brain dont work as that...
Answer this physicist who works in high end audio ABOVE , and state that clearly the ears /brain works in the time domain and your tools cannot measure hearing experience only the specs accuracy of gear ...