Did I damage my cartridge?

I had purchased a zerodust stylus cleaner. The first few times of use went ok. Now I seem to have a fuzz added that is bothering the hell out of me. I can only assume that maybe I applied too much pressure during a cleaning and could have possibly damaged something. I have tried to clean again and tried many different LP's with the same results. There is a fuzz to the music. My GOD what did I do???
Any Ideas?
If you drink heavily while listening to music,just lick the styli now and then.
If you like to do doob's while listening, dont lick the styli.It will add a cotton like substance and make the music's highs too high.
I remember seeing a post over at Audio Asylum which seemed very similar to this. I'm not sure if the goo attached to the stylus ruined his cartridge or not. I can't remember if it was Zerodust or Extreme.

I'm with Stevecham, you can't beat LP#9.
I just got a Zerodust and in the instructions it tells you to press down lightly. At the very least you wrote this thread and may have saved some others from applying too much force. Thank you
