Did I damage my speakers?

I'm worried I may have damaged my new speakers -- I started playing them only 30 minutes or so after I got them inside from 15-20 degree outside temperatures.

They sound fine to me, but I'm realized after the fact I should have let them acclimate to room temperature slowly and now I am fretting about it...

This worrying is really getting to me. Any thoughts most appreciated
If the worrying is "getting to you", the question is, CAN YOU GET RID OF THE WORRY? You know yourself. Sell if the answer is no because you'll forever be thinking about it and NOT enjoying.
Phil and James --

Thanks very much for your responses, they are reassuring.

Lindisfanre --

I appreciate what you are saying, and it is I think what we all can go through in a situation like this. I guess I sure don't want to sell -- these were expensive speakers and hard to come by, and they sound excellent to me. I know that this is the bottom line.

I'm just trying to get some information on how badly I screwed up, and what the potential implications are. So far it seems like I'm probably okay, but I hope a few more folks will weigh in.

Thanks again.
For some more reassurance I think you did no harm. The surround on the cone and the cone its self are on the thin side and will change temperature quickly. After 15 minutes I think they would be at room temperature.

The MDF and or other materials will take some time to get to room temps but they don't move (besides a little expansion and contraction due do temp.) So no harm done.
I agree with those who say if they sound all right they are not damaged. If you want to put your fears to rest get a hold of the manufacture and see what they say.