Hi Jwm,
I agree with you, but offer the following perspective on ZYX and other top line cartridges ...
It's true that Mehran is no longer a distributor of ZYX - other than the pricing you can get from him until he clears out his stock.
To my way of thinking, the ZYX line found a "true" equilibrium price when Mehran was distributing the line.
IOW, a Universe was realistically and competitively priced against Dynavector and Transfiguration, for example - for the performance it offered.
To my way of thinking the Universe always was a $4K cartridge, and while it's not my favorite, it is certainly one that many people whose opinion I respect consider it to be their cartridge of choice. IOW, I never hesitated to recommend it to the right person.
Thom @ Galibier