Difference Decca / London records

Did someone made a comparison? I did a research in the www and the general opinion is, that the SXL are better. But in the last days I listened to a lot of both and I don't think so. I never read one posting about their differences in thickness for example (they have 200gr or a bit more), you have to change the VTA for example, no one wrote about that ... and there are some more differences ...
Your impression?

Showing 1 response by lharasim

Syntax +1

the london ffrr are a very consistent sound from record to record..not all are wonderful though.... but there are many that are excellent there musical, have color, proper tone of the instruments (performance aspects) and dynamics...I have several that are dogs but there are more excellent ones then bad ones..

I have said this before... get some good ones this is what should be used to setup/judge your system IMO

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