Difference Decca / London records

Did someone made a comparison? I did a research in the www and the general opinion is, that the SXL are better. But in the last days I listened to a lot of both and I don't think so. I never read one posting about their differences in thickness for example (they have 200gr or a bit more), you have to change the VTA for example, no one wrote about that ... and there are some more differences ...
Your impression?

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Thanks for the link to Arthur Salvatore. This is by far the best information about it. I got identical results, except Speakers Corner Reissues, the majority is dead and dull, I really have problems to listen to them. I compared SXL with them and there is no way that there are big differences in tonal colors, comparison with CR and Living Stereos is much closer.
Anyway, a top site from him.
A few lines to Speakers Corner Reissues ...
For comparison:
Decca SXL and London: Peer Gynt
Decca SXL and London: Espana

The Reissues are wrong in the higher frequencies, they simply hurt and all the details from different musicians are gone. They are equalized to be sonic blockbusters, in a way they remember me to MFSL. Impressive wall of sound even on a 500$ Turntable, but they can't show you anything new when your Equipment gets better. It is always the same "Performance".
The originals have a ton more details, a total different tonal color and a much deeper, detailed soundstage. You can clearly hear the differences even among the mastering engineers (Wallace / Burkett for example).
Generally I think, the Decca/London/RCA books have to be re-written. Lots of those ratings are not true anymore (Sound, Performance for example). The majority was written in the 80's, beginning 90's, most of the time a Linn LP12 - which sounds definitely wrong and can't be used for classical recordings - or similar with limited Bandwidth was used for those "reviews".