Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?

Is there a difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables, or purely in the implementation?
OP and grannyring and everyone else - thank you for the above discussions about cabling and it’s effect on sound quality. I feel like a fly on the wall listening in to an educational conversation. I appreciate the insights into audio quality. I am not independently wealthy and I need to spend wisely. I have done that with all of your help. Just a Thank You!

Happy Listening
And then there is the Teo Audio liquid metal audio cables.

Where the complex impedance interactions actually happen differently than that of wire.

If the liquid metal cable technology that it is, ’shines’, at all....then it shines most brightly as a digital audio cable.
Notwithstanding the Scholasticists who seem never to be able to resist parroting their dogma, this has been a rewarding discussion. Kudos to thosw who actually experiment with materials and designs and report their findings to those of us who merely sit in a chair.
Dogma is dogma, no matter the belief. If you think you are immune from visual bias, that is huge dogma.  Some of us have done extensive testing over the years and accept our limitations, hence try to control our testing experiences.

If someone claims there is inherent and immediate difference in cable direction in this thread, but claims in another thread that you need to let cables settle for days and hence that is why they don't really trust cable reviews ... what form of dogma is that?
That's why details matter. Besides, if nothing useful can be gleaned from sorting through a wide range of data and interpretations, why bother talking?